This is the final video for my piece called, Who Am I ? The purpose of this was to explore the idea of who I am as an artist and what do I like or enjoy. I used The 1975’s song called, “The Sound” because of the music video’s color scheme and overall theme of introspection. I have always been influenced by that band and I wanted to have a part of myself associated with it. I have included boxes for their simplicity and neon for the light it emits, which captures the attention of any eye.

This is the compiled After Effects file that I made by combining the neon asset videos with animated 2D elements. The glowing neon outlines and all of the cubes throughout are my 3D models and are lit and edited with Unreal Engine.

Below are the potential layouts. I wanted to keep all vertical towers, but later realized that there would be an opportunity to make something more dynamic and eye leading towards the AD logo form.


When making this piece, I knew that I wanted to include my logo and initials. I grabbed some old styrofoam pieces and carved them with a clay modelling tool to make my initial forms. I later mapped some color tests on the letters with MadMapper and some of them are shown below.
