Flowers for Myself is an interactive story that I created to show the relationship between life and death. I did the concept work and art direction with the help of my animators and artists Kaila Knight and Jessica N. Allen. I pared a Xbox Kinect V1 with Processing to make the piece interactive. Below is Kaila Knight testing out the story, sadly the program is still buggy and works occasionally, I am working hard to understand and update it.

The concept and story of FFM is personal to me. Initially, I wanted it to represent the relationship between myself and my late grandfather, but as I continued to develop the story I realized that this goes between any relationship with the living and the dead. I wanted to show how Life (the girl made of flowers) and Death (skeleton) are able to connect with one another. Death is able to show himself through life by giving her flowers. I’d like to think that my grandfather’s spirit would show up around me and move things. However, Life cannot do the same as she cannot contact him as easily and the only way to do so would be to bring death to herself. She does so and is able to fully be with him.
